Analysis of Strategic Selection to Settlement Conflicting Interests Caused by Noise Intensity in the Workplace with Soft System Base Multi-Methodology Approach: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company

Authors : Mochamad Eko Nugroho, Muhammad Zuhdi Prasetyo Nugroho, Yogy Yayang Saputra, Erry Rimawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Noise is a sound or sound that is not desired and can interfere with health, comfort and can cause deafness. The current condition of many factories is established outside the industrial area, where the plant is in the position of neighborhood residents. From these conditions, there will certainly be many conflicting interests. The company wants high productivity by optimizing all the elements it has up to 24 hours, in this case, is for crushing the engine. Residents have an interest so that the quality of rest is as much as possible. From this clash of interests, there are many demands from the surrounding community regarding compensation that must be given by the company. While the company adheres to internal regulations that have been standardized globally. Therefore, this study aims to select the right strategy to overcome the problem, and measure the success rate of the strategy to minimize noise by the company using the soft system methodology (SSM) approach and the selection of the right strategy that must be done immediately with an analysis of the Process Hierarchy so that the correct results must be obtained as soon as possible using the Fuzzy method. The results are obtained that the Company, local government, and company have each different goal, but the main objectives must be obtained, Hence Fuzzy AHP model is utilized to solve the main selection problem of purpose criteria and alternative, which should determine the immediate action plan among 6 alternatives. As a result of the case study, the main priority variable is the creation of environmental security and prioritizing the distribution of CSR funds to the nearest environment as the first alternative that must be done immediately.

Keywords : Noise, Soft System Methodology Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy.


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