Analysis of Students’ E-Learning Capabilities on Academic Engagement at Umma University in Kenya

Authors : Bashir M. Maalim

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP463

his study aimed at analyzing the influence of students’ E-learning capabilities on academic engagement in UMMA University in Kenya. The objectives of the study were: to assess the influence of students’ capabilities toward E-learning device on academic engagement in UMMA University in Kenya; to examine the influence of students’ capabilities toward E-learning platform on academic engagement in UMMA University in Kenya and to evaluate the influence of student preparedness on academic engagement in UMMA University in Kenya. The study is pegged on two theories: The constructivist learning theory and the Engagement Theory. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive research design. A total of 74 students were selected as respondents using a multi-staged sampling technique. A self-administered online questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire was piloted for reliability and validity test prior to main data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) to run Structural Equation Model (SEM) in testing the developed null hypothesis and present data in form of tables, graphs and text form. Based on the study findings, there is a positive and significant influence the Student E-learning Capabilities (E-learning Devices, E-learning System and Student Preparedness) have on Academic Engagement. The study recommends provision and accessibility of affordable, dedicated institutional owned E-learning devices such as tablets to learners with in-stalled modules and applications to enhance the student Academic Engagement by reducing the over reliance of Smartphones. The study further recommends learning institutions to adopt a one-point entry platform that houses both E-learning and Student Management Information System (SMIS) to reduce too many logins which affects accessibility. Since majority of the learners ninety seven percent rely on Sim-Card based data bundles, the institution to sensitize them on subsidized negotiated bundles with major telecommunication companies in Kenya, this reduces the cost of the bundles and limits to the E-learning and some important internet access to academic sites. Enlighten learners on the use of cheap and alternative source of energy such as solar and power banks due to unreliable electricity in some locations which has been expressed as hindrance to E-learning accessibility. The study suggests similar research with larger sample and diverse learners from other campus, universities and learning centers. The study can research on the effect of technical support, Students’ Socio-economic status, and family background on academic engagement as possible part of the missing variance (twenty nine point five percent) that can fully explain the Academic Engagement.

Keywords : Academic Engagement, E-learning, E-learning Capabilities, Learning Management System (LMS), Virtual Classroom.


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