The purpose of this study is to analyze the
effect of general allocation funds (DAU), special allocation
funds (DAK), natural resource revenue sharing (DBHS),
tax revenue sharing (DBHP) and on economic growth in
Southeast Sulawesi Province in 2009-2017. This research
method uses descriptive quantitative analysis with eviews
8 test tool. The population of this study, 12 districts / cities
in the Sualwesi Tenggra Province, the sample in this study
amounted to 108, which were obtained through secondary
data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The
results showed that together the general allocation funds
(DAU), natural resource sharing funds (DBHS) and
special allocation funds (DAK), and tax revenue sharing
(DBHP) had an effect on economic growth. The general
allocation fund (DAU) has a significant and positive effect
on economic growth, the special allocation fund has a
significant and negative effect on economic growth, while
the natural resource revenue sharing (DBHS) and taxsharing revenue-sharing funds (DBHP) have no effect on
economic growth.
Keywords : Economic Growth, General Allocation Funds (DAU), Natural Resource Sharing Funds (DBHS), Special Allocation Funds (DAK) And Tax Revenue Sharing (DBHP)