This study aims to analyze the Ease of Use,
Promotion and Security of Customer Repurchase
Intention to save digitally with Customer Satisfactions as
an intervening variable, at PT Bank Syariah Mandiri
Jakarta branch Thamrin. The population analyzed is the
customers of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri who are
domiciled in Jabodetabek. The number of samples
analyzed using indicator calculations multiplied by 5 so
that 160 respondents were obtained. Statistical
calculations to analyze data using Partial Least Square
Version 3.3.2 program. The results obtained in this study
are Ease of Use, Promotion, and Security have a positive
impact on Customer Satisfaction. Furthermore, it is
known that customer satisfaction is able to have a positive
impact on Repurchase Intention.
Keywords : Ease of Use, Promotion, Secutiry, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention