E-commerce competition in Indonesia is
highly competitive. Shopee and Tokopedia, as the two
most extensive e-commerce services in Indonesia, have
high promotion costs for user acquisition. In order for
high promotion costs to be effective, high customer
satisfaction is essential. This study aims to find the
influence and relationship between e-Service Quality,
Mobile Quality Apps website quality on Marketplace
Shopee customer satisfaction, and Tokopedia. The
object of this study is users who have used the Shopee or
Tokopedia marketplace, both through the Website and
Apps (apps), and live in Indonesia. A total of 400
respondents participated in this study, 200 respondents
filled in the Tokopedia online questionnaire, and 200
respondents filled the Shopee questionnaire. Data
analysis was performed using descriptive analysis, pivot
tables, and statistical analysis using the Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square
method and processed using Smart PLS 3.0. The results
showed that e-Service Quality, Website Quality and
Mobile apps quality had a positive and significant effect
on Customer Satisfaction, both in the Shopee
marketplace and the Tokopedia marketplace.
Keywords : Customer Satisfaction, Marketplace, SEM PLS