This research aims to examine and analyze the
effect of liquidity ratios, solvency, activity, profitability
and market value on the structure of stock returns in
consumer non cyclicals sector companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study uses annual data
for the observation period from 2015 to 2020. The data is
processed using a path analysis approach. The data used
is panel data which is a combination of annual time series
and cross section data processed using the EViews 10
program. The population is all consumer non cyclicals
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from
2015 to 2020, totaling 57 companies. The sampling
technique used purposive sampling, found a sample of 38
companies with 6 years of observation in order to obtain a
total of 228 observations. Data obtained from the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis in this study
was panel data regression. The model used is the Fixed
Effect Model. The results of the analysis show that
solvency, activity, profitability and market value have a
positive effect, while liquidity have no effect on stock
returns in the Consumer Non Cyclicals sector companies
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Keywords : Liquidity ratio, Solvency, Activity, Profitability, Market Value and Stock Returns.