The implementation of the regional
development system is a requirement of every region, so
that the performance of Regional Apparatus Employees
as the users of e-Planning applications influence regional
development planning. This study wants to analyze the
effect of Internal Control Systems, System Quality, and
User Satisfaction on User Performance of e-Planning
Applications in Kediri Regency. Using quantitative
methods and data collection techniques with a
questionnaire to respondents, amounting to 37 users. The
research data were analyzed using the Multiple Linear
Regression method using the SPSS application. The
results showed that the Internal Control System, System
Quality and User Satisfaction simultaneously affect the
User Performance of e-Planning Applications in Kediri
Regency based on the statistical f value of 6.407 which is
greater than (f table) 4.20. Partially, the Internal Control
System has no effect on User Performance based on a
statistical t value of 0.026 which is smaller than (t table)
2.03. System Quality and User Satisfaction have an effect
on User Performance based on the t statistical value of
3.052 and 2.809, which is greater than (t table) 2.03.
Keywords : E-Planning Application; Internal Control System; System Quality; User Satisfaction; User Performance.