Stock return is a benefit for investor aftter
buying a company stock. Stock return are positively
proportional to risk, meaning that the greater risk borne
by shareholders, the greater the profits they get. This
study aimed to analize the effect of ROA, DER, CR,
TATO and PBV to the Stock Return Consumer Goods
Companies Industry that list in the Indonesia Stock
Exchange 2016 to 2019. Samples were selected of 31
companies with a purposive sampling technique. The
data gathered the financial statement on the company in
the period of 2016 to 2019.The method of analysis used
in this study is linear multiple regression analysis
method. Result show that ROA, CR, TATO and PBV
have positive significant effect to Stock Return. DER has
no effect to Stock Return
Keywords : Stock Return, ROA, DER, CR, TATO and PBV.