Hospital Information System (SIMRS) is a
computerized-based application developed for medical
record data management. The implementation of SIMRS
in RSIA Resti Mulya is still found obstacles, among
others, there are users who have difficulty using SIMRS,
a lack of understanding of SIMRS, limited resources,
lack of leadership support, and the use of SIMRS that
has not utilized centralized data. The purpose of this
study is to describe the factors that affect the
effectiveness of SIMRS implementation using the
Human-Organization Technology (HOT) Fit evaluation
model. The type of research used is a quantitative
approach. The population of this study is the user (user)
of SIMRS application in RSIA Resti Mulya, with a
sample of a total population of 85 people. The results of
research with correlation showed there is a relationship
between the availability of facilities and the quality of
information with the effectiveness of SIMRS
implementation and no relationship between personal
capability, effectiveness of training
Keywords : Hot Fit model, Hospital Management Information System. Application.