This study attempts to analyze and examine
the influence of learning system, service quality, student
satisfaction and its implications towards word of mouth
of Global Class students. The data employed is obtained
from questionnaires distributed directly, conducted on
February and March 2019 among Computer Science
Global Class students, Indonesia. The sampling method
employs census sample where it is applied to all Global
Class Computer Science students. The sample
amounted to 340 students. Data analysis technique uses
path analysis assisted by SPSS 24.0 software. The result
of this study reveals that there is positive and significant
influence on learning system, service quality towards
word of mouth through student satisfaction, either
partially or simultaneously, and student satisfaction also
provides direct significance on word of mouth. The
conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that all
variables are confirmed to provide positive and
significant influence on variable of word of mouth, and
student satisfaction provides important role in
connecting the influence of learning system, service
quality and student satisfaction towards word of mouth.
This study presents managerial implication in which it
is suggested to Global Class to provide more attention to
the dimension of learning media in the variable of
learning system to receive word of mouth from students
and take more consideration on dimension of assurance
found in the variable of service quality. In addition to
that, further studies are advised to analyze other
variables which are indicated to be relevant to student
satisfaction and word of mouth such as study cost and
university image. Other studies conducted on other
programs in Global Class such as International
Business Management are also encouraged.
Keywords : Learning System, Service Quality, Student Satisfaction, Word of Mouth, Global Class.