This study attempts to find out the influence of
product quality, price perception and advertising appeals on
purchase decision of Gbumin. The analysis tool employed in
this study is quantitative analysis (test validity and reliability),
multiple regression analysis, classical assumption test
(multicollinearity and normality), t-test and coefficient of
determinant. Population in this study is people who have
purchased Gbumin 1 time at minimum at Herbal SAR store,
Bekasi. This study selects 100 respondents as samples using
purposive sampling technique with the criteria of respondents
is people who have purchased Gbumin 1 time at minimum at
Herbal SAR store, Bekasi. The analysis result reveals that the
product quality, price perception and advertising appeals
provides influence towards purchase decision partially (per
variable) and simultaneously (all variables). The result of
coefficient of determination test shows that the variables of
product quality, price perception and advertising appeals
provide significant influence towards purchase decision.
Based on the table of priority scale, the highest score is found
on the variable of product quality, performance dimension.
Referring to that result, the suggestions that may be drawn is
to find out the good quality of snakehead fish such as weight,
age and diet, each fish shipped to the lab must be tested first to
know if it fulfills the standards required by the company and
observe production process to prevent contamination with
other substances.
Keywords : Product Quality, Price Perception, Advertising Appeals, Purchase Decision.