Peasant household’s economic model of corn can be revealed through the study of: household income by source of income and the factors that affected it. The purpose of this research was: 1) analyzing corn farmer household income; and 2) draw up an economic model of household incomes are based on corn. This research was carried out in the province of Gorontalo. The object examined was the household income of corn farmers. The methods used in this research is a survey method is now based on the empirical data collection and interviews. This activity consists of a survey of secondary data primary data and surveys. To purposive sampling using multistage random sampling, starting from the sample Regency, subdistrict village farmers to the respondent. Determination of the respondents being sampled is conducted in a random sample with a total of 245 corn farmers. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of income and an analysis of the multiple regression model with the help of Statistical data processing program Product and Service Solution (SPSS). The model is structured on the basis of source of income farmers of corn, namely (1) corn farmer household income sourced from corn or model household income 1; (2) the corn farmer household income derived from farming corn plus the income from farming outside corn or model household income 2; and (3) the corn farmer household income derived from farming maize, plus income from farming maize and outside income from outside the agricultural sector or the model household income. The results showed: 1) corn farmer household income in province of Gorontalo are sourced from income earned from farming corn 88.34%, revenue farming outside the corn 1.90% and revenue from outside the agricultural sector amounted to 9.76%; 2) entire model corn farmer household income according to the source, explaining that there were significant effects simultaneously land area (X1), age (X2) corn farmer, experience farming (X3), education (X4), the number of family dependants (X5), the allocation of labor in the family (X6) and labor allocation outside the family (X7) against the corn farmer household income. Whereas in partial on Model 1, variable age and the number of family dependants no effect significant, on the Model 2, variables age and labor allocation outside the family is not significant and on the Model of 3 variabel age, load a dependent family and labor allocation beyond the family has no effect.
Keywords : Model, Income dan corn farmer.