Analysis of Thermal ICE Protection Using Piccolo Tube

Authors : Karan Jain, Willy Warghese, Rohith Thangirala

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

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In-flight icing is a major concern in aircraft safety and a non-negligible source of incidents and accidents, and is still a serious hazard today. It remains consequently a design and certification challenge for aircraft manufacturers. The aerodynamic performance of an aircraft can indeed degrade rapidly when flying in icing conditions, leading to accidents. In-flight icing occurs when an aircraft passes through clouds containing super cooled water droplets at or below freezing temperature. Droplets impinge on its exposed surfaces and freeze, causing roughness and shape changes that increase drag, decrease lift and reduce the stall angle of attack, eventually inducing flow separation and stall. This hazardous ice accretion is prevented by the use of dedicated anti-icing systems, among which hot- air-types are the most common for aircraft. A widely used method in aviation Industry to overcome this problem is to employ a Hot-Air Anti-icing system owing to its simplicity, efficiency and reliability. High temperature, hig pressure air from the engine compressor is extracted and passed through a piccolo tube, and the distance between piccolo tube and wing inner surface have strong influence on keeping the external surface of the wing leading edge sufficiently hot to avoid ice formation. In the present work, anti-icing scheme for a typical aircraft wing of an airfoil shape, involving effect of hot air jets from a piccolo tube, is investigated numerically. The CAD model of the wing-piccolo tube assembly is generated using CATIA software and discretisation of the flow domain is being done using ANSYS software.


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