Authors : Priyanka Subhash Panpaliya; Sanket Sanjay Bajaj; Dr. Mamta Mishra
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN1110
This research paper is study and analysis on
various Investment avenues available in India. In this
research paper, we study three investment avenues are
equity's, Mutual Fund, Bank FD's. It is identifying great
options to the investors to put their money in a wealth
avenue for beautiful income. By increasing investors'
economic wealth, investors can contribute to economic
growth and economic wealth. This analysis helps the
company from where companies can have raised the
capital through the market. This study helps the
Investors, corporates, and many more, to benefit in
increasing their financial wealth. It is a plan to make a
habit of investing from small savings, which is made to
guide an investor to Select the most suitable investment
portfolio that will help them to achieve their financial
goals within a given period of time. There are some
mantras for investing “Higher the Risk, Higher the
Return'', “Analysis or Prevention is better than to rectify
the mistake”.
Keywords : Risk and Return, Investment Planning, Investment Analysis.