PT PLN (Persero) a corporation engaging in electricity with the quite big investment to meet electricity power in Indonesia has implemented eProcurement to facilitate the process of procuring goods and services. During the process of procuring goods and services potential risks may arise and obstruct the Company’s business process, therefore PT PLN (Persero) also adopts Enterprise Risk Management System. This study is applied to every stage of process of procurement, namely from the process of request for order of goods and services procurement, process of procuring of the goods and services up to receiving the goods in the warehouse together with the process of payment. In the framework of Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) for Enterprise Risk Management, risk management constitutes a continual process by involving every unit of organization both of functional or technological aspect so that strategic opportunities can be identified and any risk that may happen in the Company in future can be minimized.
Keywords : ERM (Enterprise Risk Management), RIMS for ERM (Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) for Enterprise Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management Implementation, Maturity Level.