Analysis Productivity of Palm Oil Mill using FMEA

Authors : Aghib Ritaldi Siregar, Cliff Sangkek, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 8 - August

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The main objective of this research is to explore the level of productivity of a palm oil processing plant. Mill of PT. XYZ has never done the measurement of productivity of processing, Company just calculate the cost per unit of fruit processed compared to budget as a measure of good or whether the processing productivity. A model of partial and total productivity measurement was developed and applied to monitor the status of the productivity of the company. The model was tested using the data of January 2016 up to December 2017 collected from companies. Total productivity index of the current period December 2017 is 1,115. In general the productivity of a company either because productivity is more than 1, a minimum ratio of Productivity to be achieved is 1, the generated Output with the same Input (resources) that are used or reach a BEP (Break Even Point) between Output and Input. partial productivity index company to current period December 2017, as compared to the basic period June 2016, to each of the input factors (human, material, capital, energy and other input factors)respectively is 1,133,0813, 2,180, 0264 and 0978. Partial index of Human Energy with the lowest numbers & done repairs to improve the productivity of the total with the FMEA method, processing employee overtime & genset diesel usage is the biggest cost components affecting the cost of partial Human and Energy. Improvements are made based on the recommendation of the largest RPN value, further measurements carried out during the period of repair January 2018 until June 2018. Total productivity Index current period June 2018 was 1.191. Partial productivity index company to current period June 2018, compared to the base period of June 2016, for each factor inputs (human, material, capital, energy and other input factors) respectively is 0.77, 1.02, 1.19, 0.66, 1.89.

Keywords : Index, Partial Productivity, Total Productivity.


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