Business activities are increasingly developing from
time to time until the current era of globalization. The
sale of Masterlock products by conventional means and
now has begun to go to online sales. One of the products
whose sales have penetrated into the digital world is the
Masterlock brand. Based on the description of the
background, the purpose of this study was to determine
the partial effect of Customer Relationship
Management, Brand Image, Service Quality on
purchasing decisions of Masterlock products through
conventional and online sales. In this case the research
population is Customer Masterlocks such as Retailers,
Retailers, and B2B eCommerce. The number of samples
is 142 people using the census method. The process of
data collection is done using a questionnaire and the
data are analyzed using multiple linear regression
analysis using the SPSS program. The results showed
Hypothesis Test (Test t) H1 = 3.272, H2 = 3.084, H3 =
2.811. Reliability Test with Cronbach Alpha> 0.70:
Customer Relationship Management (alpha 0.952),
Brand Image (alpha 0.926), Service Quality (alpha
0.943), Purchase Decision (alpha 0.938).
Keywords : Customer Relationship Management, Brand Image, Service Quality, and Purchasing Decisions.