Analytical Approach to Ascertain the Origin of Different Kinds of News on Corona Virus (Covid-19) Pandemic across Social Media

Authors : Great Linus Etim, Iziegbe Iyamu, Chinyere Chionwa Chinwuba

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May

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This paper work is met to address the numerous updates on Covid-19 pandemic on social media in their various news feed. Its alarming news of Covid -19 on the internet is spreading like a wild fire on dried particles or elements. The varsity of the news range from facts, tragedy, comedy, irony, triviality, threats and monetizing. Researches have revealed that most of the information on social media are not factual nor help in the curb of this global disease, instead increase fear due to misinformation ad junks of data dumped on the internet all for the purpose of public sensitization. What really spur this article is to look into an analytical approach to check or ascertain the origin or source of any information uploaded on social media/ internet on Covid 19 pandemic in order to eradicate or reduce the menace caused by fake news pertaining to this deadly virus that has shaken and changed the world we knew yesterday

Keywords : Fake News, Covid-19, Social Media, Internet, Pandemic, infodemic, Analytical Approach.


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