Android Based Travel Planner using Haversine Formula

Authors : Vaishali Gupta, Nikita Batra, Shreya Malik, Mrinal Thakur, Saumya Gautam.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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In common day to day life people are very busy with their work and it is the natural tendency that they might forget their appointments whether it is related to travel or some work related. So a system is proposed that will maintain the list of tasks and appointments and will notify the person not only a day before the scheduled appointment but also an hour before . It is also observed that most people tend to ignore the notification content if it is long or if they are late. So to avoid such problem a text to speech conversion of the task and notification will be there. Moreover it is observed that people have difficulty in tracking their location when they move to an unknown place. So to let them know how far their destination is so that they may get down at their desired place a location reminder is necessary which will notify them about their journey completion in approximately 1km distance.

Keywords : destination alert, location tracking, text to speech conversion.


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