This research paper is based on Spying Robot. It describes the development of the spy robot. In this the spy robot is controlled by an android application wirelessly. Android based spy robot basically communicates by using RF technology by transmitting and receiving data by using an android application. This spy robot along with wireless camera and mic can transmit real-time audio-video wirelessly and will give confidential information regarding opposite parties. An microcontroller named arduino mega is used for the desired operation. We are developing the remote buttons in the android application where the motion of the robot can be controlled. RF is used to transmit the confidential data. The Bluetooth module is used to control the movement of the robot to move forward, backward and left or right. Tracing and attacking enemies at different areas are very much difficult for the soldiers. Hence spy robots are created.
Keywords : Micro-controller, RF Module, Wireless camera, Bluetooth HC-05 module.