Android-Based Interactive Multimedia to Improve Production Ability of Ecrite Avancée

Authors : Pengadilen Sembiring; Reni Ramadhani; Rizki Fadila Nasution

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September

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The aims of this study is developping an android application with "Adobe Animated CC", which is named "Best French", and to knowing the level of appropriateness of the media based on experts as an alternative to learning French during the pandemic. This development research used a 4-D model of development which consists of four stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. The stages of the analysis took use of theoretical studies and field analysis through questionnaires and interviews with lecturers and students of the French Education program at the Universitas Negeri Medan. During the global covid-19 pandemic, it found students are not organizing in their learning process. Lecturers as teaching staff are also very overwhelmed with the online learning process, especially learning writing skills. Based on this analysis, interactive multimedia was developed to improve the production ability of avancé ecrite with the theme of texte du procédure during the learning process at home. Based on the suggestions of lecturers, students, and expert validators, the product developed into an android-based application with the name "Best French", which is easily accessible, easy to learn by the applicable project, and expected to be one of the learning media for production ecrite avancé during the study period at home during the pandemic. The results score of media validation is 90.4, and material validation is 89.4. It means developed learning media "Best French" received a good response from students in practicing the texte du procedure questions. It implies that the product of this study will become one of the alternative learning media to improve French writing skills.

Keywords : Adobe Animated CC, Texte du Procédure, Pandemic.


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