There is a proverb which goes like this “Nothing is impossible”. When in gone times, some vented upon creating a time-machine, they must have realized its possibility. They say without religion research is not possible. From a perspective if you ask the question “Why?” for everything, even then you can land up in research. Work of literature or science fiction isn’t a fairy tale simply. If you have the potential to imagine , you also have the fortune to quantify it provided you have a perspective which is original. If someone was successful in the invention called aircraft, then he was a dreamer who might have dreamt of fairies in the sky. You can ask why there is philosophy in a science journal. I would say if as human you can think, you can invent. A perspective of something you see might not be established but if you can imagine, definitely there is a possibility you can utilize it for research and invention. We are human beings and we have the capacity to think over what we see. Let me tell you something absurd. Why is the sky blue? There are explanations present in established science. But I am asking you your perspective however weird it might sound. Because without madness new inventions aren’t possible. If you can think or create a story which is literature, you can also quantify it which is science. Light , reflection, colour as you see it is right because its your psychology. We are human beings who can think. Why do you think we have the power to think? we are Gods also who can invent. And my thinking is my psychology without which madness is impossible. And madness exists for a reason. You are not allowed to reinvent the wheel but recreate the circle utilizing your perspective. This text of mine is a fresh perspective of the thing that makes us happy. Its about colour. We have learnt that without proof, you cannot establish a formula in Physics. But then I would ask you to be modest enough to respect every perspective and listen to all madness. There is a term as photosynthesis which is enough to earn you a recognition. But then the person who invented calculus isn’t recognized. What I want to say is there might be 99% left in photosynthesis yet to be researched upon. And NOT POSSIBLE is not acceptable.