Dementia is a devastative neurodegenerative disease which needs sufficient examinations on successful treatment choices. Various studies have been carried out to find therapeutic approaches for dementia. Application of therapeutants and other concoction drugs are not fruitful. A large portion of the current drugs not perfect to treat the dementia because of absence of particularity. Be that as it may, the natural medicines are demonstrated as viable with against dementia properties. A large number of plants and plant constituents are being actively pursued for the anti-dementia activity. In the present study biochemical alterations in after induced dementia treated with from EGB761 which is the standard extract of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract in combination with frontline memory enhancing drug Donepezil in different doses were investigated. Animals were randomised and grouped based on the stratified body weight Dementia were induced to all the animals (GII – GVI) by intra peritoneal injection of scopolamine except group I and VII. For group VII, animals were treated with drug for a period of 6 weeks then dementia were induced at the end of the treatment after 6 week to assess the pretreatment effect of drug. Biochemical analysis such as creatinine, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, urea, HDL and LDL were also carried out using standard procedures. The level of urea, Creatinine, sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, HDL and LDL was observed at after induced dementia with different treatments when compared to scopolamine. EGB 761 could give significant knowledge to development of newer lead compounds against dementia
Keywords : EGB 761, Sodium, Potassium, Urea, Creatinine, Cholesterol, HDL and LDL.