In control engineering system, the PID
controller is more prefer compared to the other
controller. It very simple and easy to develop.
Unfortunately, PID controller exhibit a weakness once
spike at wind-up region. The wind-up problem is always
happen due to inability of compensator to control the
phenomenon. The main cause is created in controller
design phase; neglect a nonlinearities dynamic. The
issue can be solved by implementation of additional
integral feedback compensation in order to minimize
the effect of windup situation. The wind-up
phenomenon can cause high overshoot, long settling
time and loss productivity yield. This objective of this
research to improve windup situation using backcomputation method tuning by Integral Time Absolute
Error (ITAE) tuning rule. The propose ITAEProportional-Integral-Derivative integrated AntiWindup (ITAE-PID-AW) controllers revealed better
performances compared to the ITAE-ProportionalIntegral-Derivative (ITAE-PID) controller.
Keywords : Integral-Time-Absolute-Error-(ITAE), Proportional Integral Derivatives (PID), ProportionalIntegral Derivatives integrated Anti-Windup (PID-AW), Small-Medium Scale Steam Distillation System (SSSDS)