Authors : Katherine Vanessa Valencia Carrión; Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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Health systems are facing the COVID-19
pandemic forcing health professionals to have labor and
social changes such as telework Objective: to determine
the level of anxiety and depression in health
professionals dedicated to teleworking the General
Hospital of the IESS the City of Machala. Methodology:
A quantitative, descriptive and non-experimental crosssectional cohort study was carried out. Validated
questionnaires were used: state-trait anxiety, STAI (1) in
the Spanish version, the IDER, or Spielberger's StateTrait Depression Inventory (2) in the Spanish version of
TEA EDICIONES. Sample: it was 95 professionals who
carried out telework in the period from May to
November 2020. Results: it was identified that the
population that carried out telework were Nursing
professionals, likewise, some trait of anxiety was
identified during teleworking. Conclusions
Keywords : Anxiety, Depression, Nursing, Health, Telework