Electrical resistivity prospecting using
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) technique was
conducted in Abakpa Area of Cross River State. The
study was meant to delineate fresh water aquifer and
brine (saline water) contaminated zones, identify
locations not infiltrated by brine, estimate aquifer
thickness and determine the depths to fresh water
producing aquifer in the area. Fifteen soundings were
carried out using Schlumberger electrode configuration
with a maximum current electrode spread of 500m. A
Syscal resistivity meter model SS-MP-ATS was used to
measure the ground resistance in order to compute the
apparent resistivity of the subsurface. Lithology log
data of some boreholes in the area and resistivity
software was used to enhance interpretation. The study
revealed three to seven geoelectric layers. The saline
water and brackish water saturated layers have
resistivity ranging from 0.3Ωm to 12.4Ωm while fresh
water saturated aquifer has resistivity from 12.5Ωm and
above. Both saline and fresh water aquifer occur in
shale, siltstone and sandstone formation. The depth to
aquifer in the location ranges from 7.8m to 56.9m while
the thickness of aquifer ranges from 6.8m to 41.3m. The
study area is characterized by multi aquifer system with
some locations producing both saline and fresh water
Keywords : Brine, Contaminated Zones, Electrical Resistivity, Vulnerable Zones, Delineated Geoelectric Layers.