Network scheduling methods like Critical
Path Method (CPM), Program Evaluation and Review
Techniques (PERT), and bar charting are found as less
effective in case of linear projects planning, in which the
model repetitive activities. Existing literature survey
proves that linear scheduling techniques are much
suitable to manage linear nature projects like highway,
tunnels and high rise building. Linear scheduling is a
practical tool, which is utilized successfully for
developing and maintaining the construction schedule
as well as for seeking alternative schedules to the
existing schedule to the existing schedule. Coupling the
strong visual advantage (s) and flexibility of this
technique with a systematic approach, the balance
method (LOB) is used in the repetitive type of activity
and save lots of time in the projects. In a building
construction most of the activities are repetitive in
nature. The present work is focused on LOB method to
complete the project in minimum time duration. Live
running building project is selected for the research.
LOB and CPM both methods are implemented and
compared in this building schedule. CPM is widely used
in planning and schedule in construction. Result show
that in existing method 270 days are requires to
complete the project but in CPM requires 248 days and
LOB takes 180 days only. The result shows that LOB is
more useful in the repetitive type of activity.
Keywords : Line of Balance, Critical Path Method, Building, Primavera, Scheduling, Activity.