Application of Locus of Control as a Lever in the Learning Achievements of Students with Boost is Mediated by the Competence of the Lecturers on Cours

Authors : Irwan Yantu.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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The nature of achievement is the rekfleksi of learning, which means the more fine effort study done then makin good achievement anyway. Students in motivating himself certainly often experience barriers such as the incidence of doubts and feelings of fear of failure. One of the efforts to overcome it is to maximize your locus of control. Improvement of student learning achievement into the hopes and goals of the institution. Success in student learning are certainly not escape the competence factor lecturer in teaching. In addition to uncover how the influence of locus of control which belonged to the students in the environment of the State University of Indonesia Faculty of Economics in improving learning achievement, the study also aims to see what kind of role competence of the lecturers in the mediate influence. The research found that the Locus of Control have no effect significantly to achievement of student learning, so it is necessary to other variables from the mediation role to influence the learning achievements of students. Influential professors competence significantly to achievement of student learning. Competence of the lecturers was cast as the perfect mediation under the influence of locus of control against the learning achievements of students. That means, to be able to improve the achievement of student learning, the ownership of the locus of control in student competency must be supported by a lecturer teaching courses.

Keywords : Locus o Control, competence of professors, Student Learning Achievement.


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