Application of the Unified Scale to the Characterization of Seismic Activity of the Democratic Republic of Congo and its Surroundings (Comparative study for Africa, Indonesia and the Pacific coast of Central America)


Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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The design of the unified scale for characterizing the seismic activity of an area requires its testing. Thus, we applied this model to the characterization of the seismicity of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC: 10°E-35°E; 14°S-6°N). For a better evaluation, this model has been extended to other areas, including the African Continent (15°W-60°E: 25°S-55°N) -, Indonesia (125°E-150°E ; 10°S-10°N) and the Pacific coast of Central America (115°W-90°W; 0°N20°N) for the period from 1975 to 2013. The application of the unified scale to characterize the seismicity of these areas has provided satisfactory results. Indeed, the identification of the seismic species in each Zone-Grid (mesh) and the attribution of the seismic level (modulus) and the corresponding color code, the use of the similarity rate parameter as well as the introduction of the representation of an area as a vector, allowed:  The development of a device (clock) called Actiseismometer to better follow the seismic activity and the geodynamics of an area  Modeling of the internal structures of an area using equations, curves (signatures), zoning maps (tomography) ...  Demonstration of the clear difference between the seismicity of the rift zones (25-35°E), marked by high activity and that outside the rift (10-25°E), of low activity;  The identification of a transition zone between the aforementioned zones, located between (20-25°E),  The identification of earthquake zones located in the sedimentary zone (Congolese craton) where geophysical research has revealed the presence of hydrocarbons,  The seismic risk assessment in each Grid Zone of the DRC which; unlike the classic model, ours indicates a high seismic risk at:  Zone A23 (Kinshasa-Bandundu and surroundings), following, in particular, the presence of the Kinshasa nuclear power plant, and the presence of faults observed in its surroundings, not to mention the high density of the population,  Zone A42 (Kivu): the risk is significant there following the presence of volcanoes (Nyiragongo, Nyamulagira, etc.) whose flow is heading towards the city, presence of Lake Kivu containing harmful gas (methane gas and dioxide of carbon) and the presence of complex faults observed there, not to mention the high density of the population,  The comparison of the structures of the Africa, DRC, Indonesia and Pacific Coast zones of Central America where we observe that the hypocentres go in increasing order DRC-Pacific Coast - Indonesia. Our characterization model will make it possible to map various parts of the globe and compare them with each other with the possibility of exploiting it for geological prospecting: For a better assessment of the seismic risk, the area of the study area should be reduced

Keywords : Unified Scale, Characterization, Modulus, Seismic Risk, Internal Structure, Signature, Resemblance Rate, Acti-Seismometer, DRC


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