Assess the Knowledge of Adults Regarding the Side Effects of Tobacco Chewing in Selected Veerapandi Village, Salem and Tamil Nadu

Authors : M. Sathyakala.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 5 - May

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A non-experimental descriptive design with cross sectional survey approach was undertaken to assess the knowledge of the adult in side effects of tobacco usage in veerapandi village, Salem. 50 adults were selected by convenient sampling technique and data were collected by using closed ended knowledge questionnaire. The findings revealed that adults of highest percentage 52% of them were between age group of 36-40 years. Most of the adult 52% of them were females. Highest percentage 52% of the adult had no formal education. Daily wages shows the highest percentage 40%. Family income per month shows that highest percentage 38% of the adults had family income between Rs.2,5003,500, it seems that adult were from low socio economic group. Most 62% of adult were from nuclear family .Almost all 76% were Hindu. Overall area wise knowledge score of adult on side effects of tobacco chewing shows that overall mean score 6.49 ± 44.67 which is 35.89% of the maximum score shows good knowledge on side effects of tobacco chewing. There are highest mean score 2.2 ±12.61 which is 44% was for the area of side effects of tobacco chewing which reveals average knowledge. The lowest mean score of 0.56 ± 3.88 which is 28% was for the area of meaning of side effect of tobacco chewing which reveals poor knowledge.

Keywords : Tobacco Chewing, Knowledge of Adults, Side Effects of Tobacco, Social Awareness.


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