Assessement of Adobe Brick Making as a Source of Livelihood in Gombe State, Nigeria

Authors : Zarma Ali Wakil; Ahmad Abdullahi; Yashi Kamaluddeen Musa; Yerima B. Abubakar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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This research was inspired by the work of Ahmad and Zarma (2017) where the authors listed brick making as a source of livelihood resource that is found in Morom river basin of Gombe state. The work therefore picked interest on Adobe brick making as a source of livelihood for people residing not only within the basin, but far and near the river basin who uses brick making as a source of livelihood. The bricks were made from materials sourced locally like by sand, clay, water, and organic material such as sticks, straw and manure. Adobe bricks are being made for construction of houses, barns, silos and animals stable in the rural, urban and recreational buildings. The objectives of the study among others were to identify environmental resources used in adobe bricks making within the study area; to identify different value chains and types of brick making and to assess the livelihood impact of brick making on producers. Data was collected from two hundred respondents through interview describes the environmental resources used as materials for bricks making, economic activities related to brick production, and the economic impacts of brick production to the producers. Result from chi-square test conducted revealed that adobe brick production in Gombe state significantly contributes positively to the livelihood of the people engaged in economic activities within the brickyards.

Keywords : Adobe, Brick, Brickyard, Livelihood, Gombe.


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