Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common
chronic disease worldwide. The low levels of education
and poor awareness about the disease have an impact
on the health of the people living with diabetes mellitus.
To assess the need of family focused intervention
on knowledge among diabetic clients.
Research approach utilized was quantitative
research approach. Research design followed was true
experimental design. Family focused intervention was
the independent variable in the study. Knowledge was
the dependent variable. Samples were selected using
total enumeration technique. Pre test was assessed using
structured interview schedule. Family focused
intervention was given after pre test which includes
IEC, counseling regarding diet and specific
management, demonstration regarding foot care and
exercise. Post test was conducted using the same tool.
Comparison of the pre and post test level of
knowledge showed that the overall mean knowledge
score in the post test was 24.50 and 10.29 in
experimental and control group respectively.
Comparison between experimental and control group
by unpaired âtâ test, t=28.03 revealed that there was a
high significant difference between the experimental
and control group. The results showed that there was
significant improvement in the level of knowledge only
in the experimental group. This revealed that family
focused intervention was effective among diabetic
Knowledge was improved among experimental
group to whom intervention was given. Hence family
focused intervention can be incorporated as an integral
component of the comprehensive health care services at
primary level to enable the diabetic clients to manage
the condition and prevent the complications.
Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus, Family Focused Intervention, Knowledge and Diabetic Clients