The purpose of this study was to assess extent
of principals’ implementation of education management
information systems in staff personnel management in
secondary schools in South-East of Nigeria. The study
was guided by one research question and one null
hypothesis. The descriptive survey research design was
adopted. The population for the study was 1241 public
secondary school principals in the area of the study. The
sample of this study comprised 870 principals who were
the respondents in the study. The instrument for data
collection is a structured questionnaire designed by the
researcher. The validity of the instrument was
determined using three experts. The reliability of the
instrument was established using cronbach alpha which
yielded coefficient of 0.75 and was considered adequate
for the study. The researcher and research assistants
administered the instrument directly to the respondents.
Mean scores and standard deviations were used to
answer the research question while t- test was used to
test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Findings
of the study indicated that principals of secondary
schools in South-East of Nigeria did not implement
EMIS in staff personnel management to high extent and
that male and female secondary school principals in the
area did not differ significantly in their mean ratings on
the extent they have implemented EMIS in staff
personnel management. It was recommended among
others that principals should implement EMIS in
managing staff personnel issues in their schools.
Keywords : Principal; Education; Management; Information System; Staff Personnel; Secondary School