In India around 29.6% of the people are
hypertensive. Hypertension is the direct cause for 57%
of deaths due to stroke and 24% of deaths due to
coronary artery disease in India .The association of salt
intake and blood pressure is direct and continuous. A
small reduction of 6 g in salt intake for 4 or more weeks
decreases blood pressure by 7.11/3.88 mm Hg in
hypertensive individuals.
Aim & Objective
To determine the quantity of dietary salt
consumption among hypertensive patients.
To assess the knowledge practice attitude towards
salt consumption among hypertensive patients.
Method & Material
A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted
among patients who were diagnosed hypertensives
according to the latest WHO guidelines. The sample size
was 110. Patients with known electrolyte imbalance or
kidney disorders will be excluded. Interview based
questionnaire and spot urinalysis was done after getting
informed consent. Study duration was from January to
March 2019.
In the study 110 participants were included.The
average amount of salt consumed by the people was
9.6g per day. Among the 110 participants 70
participants gave the urine sample and 40 denied. The
results showed that average amount of sodium excreted
is 168.83meq/l and potassium excreted is 68meq/l. 70
participants, 42 of them had urine sodium value more
than 220 meq/l and 28 had the urine sodium value in the
range of 40 meq/l - 220 meq/l. The urinary sodium
excretion was directly related to the amount of salt
consumed. Potassium value was less than in 90 meq/l in
37 people and in 33 people it was in the more than 90
84.5% of the people knew that increased salt
consumption causes hypertension. 78.1% people knew
that reducing salt will help them reduce hypertension
but only 19% people thought it is very important for
them to reduce salt. Only 13.6% of the people thought
they consumed too much salt. About 75.4% of people
consumed food preserved with salt like pickles and
among them 55.5% of people consumed pickles once or
twice in a week .
The daily salt consumption is about 9.6g per day
and it is more than the recommended value by the
world health organisation.It is seen that the knowledge
of the people is good but their attitude and practice
towards salt consumption is below the average line. It is
evident that advice on reducing the salt consumption
plays an important role in reducing blood pressure.