Assessment of the Effectiveness of Career Counselling and Extent of Parental Influence: A Basis for Development Program in Paharang Integrated School

Authors : Paulina P. De Torres

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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One of the crossroads in man’s life is when he is to choose the path he would take after high school. In other countries, where young men and women have a lot of options after high school, going to college is not a choice that the majority seize. It is not only because college education is very expensive. Another reason is that they are at least 18 years old when they graduate so they can already have jobs and live their own lives. Here in the Philippines, especially since the first batch of K+12 graduated, high school graduates are generally younger and though expensive also, college education especially in state-owned colleges and universities are relatively cheaper. It is because of these that more Filipino students and their families opt to, or at least hope to send their children to college. Not every high school graduate though gets to college. Take this survey of the 14-year cycle of this batch from elementary (1994) to tertiary (2007). 100 pupils enrolled in Grade 1, only 67 students reached first year high school and 48 of which graduated high school. Of these high school graduates, only 23 reached college level and 17 earned college degrees. This situation makes retaining those in school, particularly those at risk of falling out of the system one of the major challenges for the Department of Education (DepEd). These pupils/students are the ones who encounter difficult circumstances in life – poverty, cases of teenage pregnancies, student laborers, children whose parents were poorly schooled, slum dwellers, families who live in areas with peace and order problems and learners with various forms of disabilities - that their stay in school is so fragile that they face the risk of falling out, sooner or later. Seeing the need to arouse their interest towards learning, or make schooling interesting for them, DepEd came up with a combination of interventions that will keep them attending school despite the odds. The most important of which is the k to12 program – kindergarten, six years of elementary (Grades 1 to 6), four years of junior high school (Grades 7 -10) and two more years of senior high school (Grades 11 and 12). After having developed basic skills from Grades 1 to 10, a student may proceed to senior high school where he will take a set of Core Curriculum subjects composed of Languages, Literature, Math, Philosophy, Science, and Social Sciences. More importantly, he may choose from tracks ranging from Business & Entrepreneurship; Technical-Vocational; Humanities and Social Sciences; Science, Technology, and Engineering; and Sports depending on his interest, the community needs, and assessment results. At present, two things are clear to the researcher – (1) that the career counselling program in Paharang Integrated School has to be upgraded to fit the present needs of the junior high school students, and that the parents in this school, just like in any other school, exert influence on their children. The assumption is that if the parents will be properly guided, they will be able to have the same kind of guidance to their pupils, that is, they can better help their children make the right choices of career path. In this study, the researcher wants to find out the extent to which the parents influence the career choices of their children and how the present career counselling program of Paharang IS can be improved to make room for this parental influence. This research assessed the effectiveness of the career counselling program of Paharang Integrated School and the extent of the influence of the parents to their children’s choice of career path. Specifically, it will answer the following questions: How important is the career counseling program of Paharang Integrated School in helping the students make the career choice? To what extent do the parents influence the choice of career path of their children? What developmental measures may be implemented so that the career counseling program of Paharang Integrated School can cover both students and parents?


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