Industrialization and infrastructural
development projects disturb the stability of the
environment. Environmental degradation arising from
industrial and construction development have sometimes
impacted negatively on the quality of human life, wild
life and eco-system in general. The aim of this study was
to develop a strategy for the harmonious existence of
Hot-mix Asphalt production factories within the Owerri
Environment, so that asphalt factories can become good
neighbours. The study was quasi experimental.
Purposeful sampling was used to select two (2) Asphalt
factories out of eight (8) factories identified in the study
area, using location and length of time in operation as
criteria. Data was collected at the Asphalt factories
through observations and recording with appropriate
instruments. Data was tasted for homoscedasticity and
further analyzed with ANOVA. Findings reveal that the
average air quality between the old and new Asphalt
factories environment is the same. Results also shows
that the asphalt factory emission have effect on the Air
quality in both the raining/wet and dry seasons. The
emission loads are however within Federal Ministry of
Environment, Housing and Urban development and
world health organization standards. The study
recommended inter alia that Asphalt factories be sited at
least one (1) kilometer from the nearest human
settlement, insist on the use of only completely New
Asphalt Equipment and discard the use of second hand
asphalt plants. Supervising agencies should regularly
carry out environmental audit with a view to ensuring
that emission loads around these facilities remain within
World Health Organization (WHO) and Federal
Ministry of Environment Standards.
Keywords : Hot-Mix Asphalt, Pollution, Emission, Environmental Management Plan