Assessment of the Impact of Alcohol Use Among Youths in Emevor, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Authors : Peter M. Eguvbe; Eloho O. Udezi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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- Alcohol is the most widely utilized and abused psychoactive substance among youths in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. This study investigated the attitude of youths towards alcoholism in Emevor community, Niger Delta, Nigeria. The simple random sampling technique was used in the study.The survey involved the application of a well structured questionnaire which was administered to one thousand two hundred (1,200) participants. The frequency distribution tables/percentages and descriptive statistical method was used for data analysis. The findings show that peer group influence, marital disorder, unemployment, loss of job and parental background are the predisposing factors to alcoholism. The study revealed that reduced libido, impotence, cancer of the bronchus, loss of memory and still births are major effects of alcoholism.It was also discovered that there is a significant difference in the attitude of male and female youths towards alcoholism. It was noticed that greater percentage of the youths have positive attitude towards alcoholism in the community. Since alcoholism is a public health and social problem, the researcher recommend that government should support the formation of an alcoholic anonymous groups in the various Communities and Local Government Areas of theState, to help drinkers who are addicts to come out of it, and people who had left alcohol should be encouraged to join such groups

Keywords : Impact of Alcohol, Alcohol Use, Niger Delta, Youths.


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