Assessment of the Nutritional Profile of Variable Graded Levels of Julie Mango Fruit Juice Flavoured Yoghurt and Plain Yoghurt

Authors : Stephen I. Audu; Simon T. Ubwa; Benard Ukpokwu; Jibrin Isah; Qrisstuberg M. Amua

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Plain yoghurt, 5%, 10% and 15% flavoured yoghurt samples were analysed for their proximate compositions, physico-chemical compositions, vitamin and mineral contents. The protein, moisture, fat and ash contents of the yoghurt samples decreased with significance (p<0.05) difference as the addition of Julie mango fruit juice increased. The carbohydrate, total solids, total solids non-fat, titrable acidity, vitamin C, and Calcium contents increased with significance (p<0.05) difference as the addition of Julie mango fruit juice increased. The pH on the other hand increased with no significance (p<0.05) difference between the yoghurt samples. All the formulated yoghurt samples in this study met the standard requirement for yoghurt production, hence could be hitherto modified to suit customers/consumers appeal for industrial mass production.

Keywords : Yoghurt, Plain Yoghurt, Flavoured Yoghurt, Julie Mango Juice, Nutritional Profile.


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