Disability could either be acquired through
life circumstances like accidents or natural in the sense
that an individual could be born with a physical
challenge. This study examined the use of Assistive
Technologies for inclusive education among Vocational
education students with physical disabilities in Colleges
of Education in South west, Nigeria. Four research
questions guided the study. Descriptive survey design
was used for the study. Three Colleges of Education in
Southwest, Nigeria were used for the study. Population
comprised of fifty eight (58) Vocational Education
teachers. A researcher’s-designed checklist and
questionnaire were used to collect data. Data was
analyzed using frequency, mean and standard
deviation. Results indicated that majority of the
institutions do not have the necessary assistive
technologies and some of the available ones are not
functional, therefore are not enough to cater for the
challenges faced by students with physical disabilities.
Also, part of the strategies suggested for enhancing the
use of Assistive technology was to make Vocational
curriculum more technologically adaptive and
integrated. Among recommendations made was that
Assistive Technology should be made available and
affordable so that parents, schools, State and Federal
ministry of education can afford them for use, both in
special and mainstream educational institutions in
Keywords : Assistive Technology, Physical Disability, Inclusive Education