Attenuation of Invigorating Ramification of Citrus aurantifolia Dehydrated Peel Crumb against Hyperuricemia

Authors : Mehak Rasheed.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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Citrus aurantifolia (Kaghazi lime) is a fruit from Rutaceae family which is cultivated extensively in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Citrus posess a wide range of phytonutrients serving as anti-oxidants, boosting immune system, inducing protective enzymes in liver and blocking damage to genetic material. As these plants belong to natural origin and their use poses minimum side effects, therefore, they can be used as an alternative or as an assistant to drugs like uricosuria or allopurinol, used to treat hyperuricemia. Therefore, the aim of the study focuses on identifying the nutritional quality of dehydrated peel crumb and evaluating its potential in lessening hyperuricemia.The present study constructed the repercussion of dried peel powder of Citrus aurantifolia on serum uric acid concentrations. Hyperuricemic non-smoker, non-diabetic, non- hypertensive males and females of age group 25-60 years were provided with 15g/day of dried lime peel crumb as a ministration for 30 days.

Keywords : Uricosuria, Allopurinol, Hyperuricemia, Uric Acid, Pharmacological Interventions.


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