Attitude of Parents (Father & Mother) Towards Visually Impaired Students of Secondary Level in “Education”

Authors : Palash chakraborty; Dr. Debasish Dhar

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL781

Children with visually impaired may face difficulties that result in their experiencing emotional disturbance. There are very reasons for mood disorder among children with visual loss, such as feeling loneliness, avoidance to appear to learn in formal schools and greater dependency on help. According to RCI Act,1992 responsibility for visual disabilities including low vision and blindness PWD Act,1995 proposed the provision of improve educational services, medical care, vocational learning ,employment and social security for all persons with disabilities including blind and low vision. There are two educational systems for children with visually impaired 1. education in special schools 2. education in inclusive schools. The attitude of parents towards visually impaired students are very important in case of of their visually impaired children . The purpose of the study was to find out the attitude of parents(father & mother) to visually impaired students of class 9 standard. 20 visually impaired students of class 9 were taken for the study. Survey method was adopted to study the attitude of parents (father & mother) towards visually impaired students of secondary level and attitude scale were taken as tools & techniques.For the study the samples are taken from two blind schools of Kolkata. It was found that attitudes(father& mother) are favourable towards the visually impaired students of secondary level. They are very much sympathetic for the education of the their visually impaired sons or daughter.

Keywords : Parental Attitude (father & mother), Visually Impaired Students, Secondary Level.


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