Automated System for Physically Disabled Patient using EEG Sensor and Brain Controlled Interface

Authors : Sourav Kumar, Vedant Patil, Sanket Lawande, Aditya Patil, Anita Mahajan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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The system is executed with fully functional product with the use of BCI (Brain Controlled Devices).This provides the easiness in operations and also helpful to elder and disabled people. This is useful for people who cannot operate the peripheral devices using our normal muscular body parts. The brain wave sensor will sense brain signals and it will convert the data into packets and transmit through Bluetooth. Then the control command will be transmitted to the Arduino Controller. With these entire steps, system can control any home appliances through brain signals, a wheelchair movement which is connected to the circuit also Emergency Commands will be provided with the help of Brain Waves. With the help of Matlab Interface it is designed where a main control panel will help to navigate through the following modules. Each module provides different functions.

Keywords : BCI (Brain Controlled Interface), EEG (Electroencephalography), Arduino, Matlab, Interface, Bluetooth.


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