Automatic herb watering system, which is
considered as one of the most commonly required and
the most beneficial automated systems nowadays,
reduces or completely replaces manual efforts in herb
watering. Medicinal herbs have been used virtually in
all cultures as a source of medicine. Assurance of the
safety, quality, and efficacy of medicines and herbal
products has now become a key issue in industrialized
and in developing countries. Medicinal herbs have been
used for thousands of years in Ayurveda to treat health
disorders, to preserve food and to prevent diseases. The
main goal of our project is to optimize water use for
agricultural crops and to minimize the wastage of water
and to meet the ever-increasing demand for quality
medicinal herbs. This project eliminates the manual
switching mechanism used for herb watering. Because
of its energy autonomy and lower price, the system has
the ability to be useful in water limited geographically
isolated areas.
Keywords : PIC16F877A Microcontroller, LM358, Solar Panel, SIM 800L GSM, Sensors.