Automatic Image Detection and Censoring on Web Pages

Authors : Adithye Joseph; Ajay Chacko Thomas; Jobin Jose; Divya Sunny

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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AIDC(Automatic Image Detection And Censoring) is a software that utilizes AI and Machine learning to automatically detect and censor the contents on a web page. As we all know ,the internet is a vast space with enormous amount of data and content in it and a large portion of these contents are pornographic and violent images and videos.And the current situation is such that even a child can easily access these contents. So what AIDC aims to provide is a software that can be installed on the computer that will automatically censor these contents and thus keeping the young minds safe on the internet.This feature can controlled by an administrator.Due to limitations,the scope of this project will include only censoring of violent images.


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