Automatic Multipurpose Agribot Using Arduino Mega and GPS Module Receiver

Authors : Amol Gothankar; Vishal Soni; Avinash Vishwakarma; Sagar Jankar; Satish Bhoyar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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Agriculture is one of the oldest forms of occupation. The use of tools and livestock in the agricultural process has reduced the human effort. Major factors that affect agriculture include less holding area, shortage of seeds, fertilizers, labour and uncertainty of monsoon. The mechanization of agriculture refers to the use of tools or machines in the agricultural process that potentially reduces the human effort. Although it reduces the human effort in the agricultural process, it requires complete human interaction. The automation and robotics application in the branch of agriculture is at the booming stage when compared to its wide range of application in other sectors. Many researches have been done in this field to automate the process. In the present paper an effort is made for the design and development of the robot that can perform various farming operations like ploughing, field levelling, seeding, watering and pesticide spraying. The robot is basically a four wheel robotic car. The main component here is the Arduino which controls all the process. The bot is controlled with the help of RF remote. This RF remote has mutiple buttons for controlling various farming operations. The bot can navigate the farm in two modes manual mode in which the direction to the bot is given by user and automatic mode in which bot autmatically navigate through the farm without the need of directions from user. This automatic navigation is possible with the help GPS receiver and magnometer. While navigating through the farm the bot can do any of the farming operation depending upon which opertaion is turned ON by user. Seeding and watering operations happens in a specific inetrval depending upon the consecutive distance between two crops and this interval can be easily change by manipulating arduino code. Also the design is such that seeding and watering is done parallelly in 3 tracks which reduce the farming time drastically. Pesticide sparying opertion is done continuously. Grooves mounted at the back of agribot helps in ploughing the field as bot moves forward. Wodden slab mounted at the back act as a field leveller so as to close the dug tracks. The robot developed overcomes the drawbacks in the traditional method of seeding and watering which includes wastage of seeds and water, high labour wage, lower utilization of land etc. By the application of automation and robotics in the field of agriculture it is possible to increase the overall efficiency of the agricultural process and can mitigate effects of labour.

Keywords : Agribot, Ploughing, Seeding, Watering, Pesticide Spraying, Arduino, GPS.


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