Automatic Speed Controlling System Using IoT

Authors : Ankita Gandhi; Dhrumil Nanavati; Tushar Mandloi; Gaurav Sagar; Dhruv Sevak

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Road accidents are the most common phenomenon that occurs quite often. Most of the lethal accidents that take place are due to over speeding. An increase in speed may multiply the risk of accident and danger of injury during an accident. So, to reduce this hitch our group has come up with a project that aims to control the speed of vehicles automatically in the restricted area. In the recent studies, on the IoT-based topic, it has been observed that accidents near the zones like hospitals and schools have increased enormously, because of their lack of impatience to reach their desired place soon. Therefore controlling the speed of the vehicle has been a key issue to be considered. We through this IoT-based project, we are aiming to provide an uncomplicated design that can control vehicle speed, which can be installed in zones like school/college, hospital, sharp turnings to reduce the number of accidents from happening. This Automatic Speed Controlling System is built using the Microcontrollerbased platform of the Arduino Uno R3 board. Here, the microcontroller is programmed in such a way that, the imposed speed limit is integrated with the transmitter unit which transmits the signals using an antenna, and is received by the receiver incorporated inside the vehicle. Alongside the Microcontroller, RF (Radio Frequency) module is also used for sending and receiving the signals. There are two types of RF module, RF transmitter and RF receiver. RF transmitter is placed near the restricted zones and RF receiver is placed inside the vehicle. The speed of the vehicle is then compared and controlled by the Microcontroller.

Keywords : Arduino Uno R3, RF Transmitter, RF Receiver, Motor


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