Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System

Authors : Shubhangi Sanjay Bhargave , Monika Vijay Jadhav , Aditi Sunil Patil

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 1 - January

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Automatic Vehicle Speed Control System is designed to control the speed of the vehicle in specific zones to avoid the accidents in the low speed areas. In this system the low speed zone is considered to be the 100 meter earlier to the traffic signal. The case study and implementation is based on the light vehicle speed control, when the vehicle is running with full speed and gets entered into the low speed zone the speed of it will be automatically reduced to the allowed speed in low speed zone. The microcontroller will interface with the sensors to detect the speed of vehicle and based on this input the controller will take appropriate action and generate a control signal for the vehicle control system which then will activate the mechanism of the Speed control in the vehicle and the speed of the vehicle is reduced to the required speed in that zone.

Keywords : Microcontroller (AT89S52), LCD Display, IR Transmitter unit, IR Receiver, Speed Limiting Mechanism.


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