Consumer’s perception towards environment is changing drastically today which motivates the producers to discover
new eco-friendly methods of doing business which will result in a better tomorrow for the generations yet to be born.
This study aims at analysing the effects of green marketing practices followed by various organisations on the green
values of the consumers and how it moulds the consumer behaviour. This study also tries to discover the results of
environmental awareness in the consumer’s mind that if they recognize their responsibility towards the sustainable
environment or not. It further focuses on the consumers’ point of view and the impact of green marketing communications
and promotions to see how and what inclines the customer towards choosing green goods and services over the
conventional ones.
This study was conducted on a sample size of 154 Respondents in National Capital Region of India. The responses
were collected using digital platform of Google forms. The responses were transmitted in Graphical representations to
support data analysis.
This study includes green marketing survey using a questionnaire devised on the basis of previous researches
conducted in the same field. This study indicates that consumers are not exposed enough to green marketing practices and
suggests various ways to improve the sales of their eco-friendly goods and services. The paper also suggests that the
market of National Capital Region of India can be penetrated more with certain strategies in pro-environmental consumer
groups and the unaware consumer groups as well.