Bangga Buatan Indonesia Campaign Perception and Attitude in Tokopedia Consumer

Authors : Balgis Alkaff; Putri Mahardhikarini; Widayani

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February

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Covid-19 pandemic affects a lot of people especially in financial aspects, businesses couldn’t operate normally that result in people being fired or having to cut some of their salaries in order to keep the business running. Foremost MSMEs that only operated offline, they force to stop the business during Large Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR). Indonesia government launched the Bangga Buatan Indonesia campaign to help small-medium businesses to survive during the pandemic to transform into digital form. Tokopedia is one of the ecommerce platforms that support the initiative. The research is to find out what is the Tokopedia consumers perception and attitude towards the Bangga Buatan Indonesia campaign. With the qualitative descriptive a with a semi-structured interview approach, it result that Tokopedia consumers perceive the BBI campaign in a neutral way, and not really interested to explore more about the features due the minim of exposure in the platform.

Keywords : Bangga Buatan Indonesia, Campaign, Perception, Attitude, Tokopedia


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