Malnutrition, in all its forms, is a global problem
and continues to be one of the greatest challenges facing
our generation. ‘MUST’ is a five-step screening tool to
identify adults, who are malnourished, at risk of
malnutrition (undernutrition), or obese.
Evaluation of BMI, malnutrition and percentage of
weight loss in the city of Vlora, Albania.
This is an exploratory study, carried out in the city
of Vlora during May 20 - June 20, 2020, using the
‘MUST’ since data such as: height, weight and weight
before 3-6 months, was obtained through the
AFQPHALS Survey (Adult Food Quality and Physical
Activity Level Survey), which was distributed online on
social networks during May 17- 27, 2020 and completed
by 545 adult subjects 18 years and older, including some
Albanian cities with the predominance of the city of
Results & conclusions:
Vlora constitute 55% part of the study sample;
women 75%; with higher education 45% and master's
degree 29%; full-time employees 38% and students
35%; 24% overweight, 9% obesity and 8%
underweight; 73% has low risk, 16% has medium risk
and 11% has high risk for malnutrition; 73% has not
lost weight (0%). The high risk for malnutrition
prevails in gender female, at higher education and
master's level in students and full-time employees.
Recognition and use of the Malnutrition Universal
Screening Tool by the community, that is a free tool,
easy and accessible for all to know and reduce
Keywords : MUST, malnutrition, self- screening, Vlora, Albania.